Share Your Tech Knowledge: Write for Principal
Share Your Tech Knowledge: Write for Principal.
September 2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
Innovations in technology impact students, teachers, and school leaders. Not only should principals keep up with the latest and greatest, but those who have expertise in education technology should share their wisdom with the profession.
Writing for Principal is a great way to help other principals while giving you fresh insights into your own professional development. NAESP is currently seeking articles for the March/April issue, with the theme “Technology for All.” The issue will provide best practices for social media and technology use, with an eye toward principals as innovators and new instructional practices. Articles can focus on digital badging, professional learning networks, and addressing the technology divide in rural schools and schools with high needs.
The deadline for copy is November 4. Make sure to thoroughly read NAESP’s writing and submission guidelines before submitting an article. For more details, visit
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