Preamble to NAESP Bylaws
We, the members of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, believe that the focal point of the school is the education of the child and that the educational program must help all children achieve their potential as contributing members of society.
We believe that in providing the foundation for the formal education young Americans receive, our elementary and middle schools must strive for excellence. Further, we accept the finding—and the challenge that goes with it—that the primary responsibility for the development of an effective educational program in each school is vested in the principal. We are dedicated to ensuring that every child in America receives a quality education.
We care about our country by caring deeply about children. We believe that no barrier should separate a child from the best education a school can offer; that no form of discrimination be used to deny a child the opportunity to acquire a solid foundation in reading, writing, mathematics, critical thinking, and the values of friendship, compassion, honesty, and self-esteem.
We are committed to instructional excellence. We support the aspirations of teachers everywhere to give each child a quality school experience. We accept the challenge of the research showing that quality education in every school depends on the expertise, dedication, and leadership of the principal.