Good Reads

Principals from across the nations share what they are reading.

Topics: Professional Development

What’s on your reading list?

Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions:
A Commonsense Approach for School Leaders
by Nathan Levenson.

—Lisa Condran, Salish Coast Elementary School, Port Townsend, Washington

The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator’s Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child by Ron Clark.

—Daniel Lee, Tabernacle Christian Academy, San Diego, California

The Shift to Student-Led: Reimagining Classroom Workflows With UDL and Blended Learning by Katie Novak and Catlin R. Tucker.

—Scott McLeod (@mcleod), University of Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado

The Beekeeper by Katie P. Desiderio and Michael G. Frino.

—Todd Brist (@WMSPal), Watertown Middle School, Watertown, South Dakota

Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others by Stephen M.R. Covey.

—Jeanetta Davenport (@DrJDavenport), Liberty Elementary School, Franklin, Tennessee

Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can’t, and What Can Be Done About It by Mark Seidenberg.

—Anna Claire Parker (@acparker12), Southaven Intermediate School, Southaven, Mississippi

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts by Brené Brown.

—Jen Daigneault, North Smithfield Elementary School, North Smithfield, Rhode Island

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and Stephen R. Covey.

—Derrick C. Kyriacou, Samuel E. Shull Middle School, Perth Amboy, New Jersey

The Children Act by Ian McEwan.

—Lyn Marsilio (@LynMarsilio), Yorkshire Elementary School, Manassas, Virginia

Beyond Behaviors by Mona Delahooke.

—Paola Torres, Carol Morgan School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic