Susie Luckey has served Idaho Hill Elementary (IHE), a rural, high-poverty school serving grades K-6, for the last 12 years. One of her colleagues notes that Luckey’s background as a teacher, administrator, professional development leader, and homeless liaison have made her a “tremendous asset” to the district’s administrative team. Luckey has seen how poverty adversely impacts the learning environment and works tirelessly to build partnerships to remove barriers to success and ensure the basic needs of every student are met. A passionate advocate with strong development skills, Luckey stewards a student sponsorship program and has successfully attracted annual donations to cover basic expenses for both parents and students—from essential school supplies to gas cards for parents to attend school events. Her focus on equity extends to her instructional leadership, where she has focused her energy on supporting professional development through PLCs and improving literacy instruction by establishing a data review system that allows for timely, targeted, and effective intervention and enrichment. She has also improved the overall school culture by leading the development and implementation of a building behavior plan, engaging in critical feedback cycles that have led to lower referrals and higher achievement. Luckey holds a B.S. in Elementary Education with K-8 certification and an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, both from the University of Idaho-Moscow.