Susan B. Enfinger

Youth Elementary School
Walton County School District
Loganville, Georgia

As principal of Youth Elementary School (YES), Susan Enfinger is proud to have built a team of committed, passionate public education advocates whom she learns from every day. Under Enfinger’s leadership, YES has maintained significant growth in ELA, math, and social studies over the past seven years; last year, the school earned 96.2 percent in content mastery. Enfinger credits this success to her leadership of strong, data-focused PLCs that provide targeted professional development in areas such as small group reading and writing instruction. Meanwhile, Enfinger has also launched several programs to integrate SEL into the curriculum for all K-5 students and has expanded opportunities for students to develop life skills and a love of learning through community involvement. These programs include the Early Birds Club, a staff-led, community-involved before-school space focused on physical education and character development, as well as an expanded Safety Patrol that promotes leadership and collaborative problem-solving. The school’s Beta Club also enlists and supports 4th and 5th graders to lead projects of community value, including a weekly recycling program, an annual food drive, fundraising events, and staff appreciation. YES is a three-time National Beta School of Distinction and has been named a National Beta School of Merit every year since 2018. Enfinger holds an Educational Leadership credential from the University of West Georgia, with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Georgia.