Following eight years as a successful elementary school principal, Ann Jablonski was selected to open Kooser Elementary School in 2009 and quickly established a positive, student-centered culture. Her saying “the Kooser Way” demonstrates the deep pride, commitment, and advocacy she brings to her position. In the words of a proud parent, “She took an empty building and one-by-one filled it with passionate, caring teachers. Together they created safe hallways, fun memories, and successful learning opportunities.” At Kooser, students continue to make significant academic gains due to the tenacity of those who serve them, and teachers have never heard the words, “we need to raise our test scores.” Instead, the focus is on providing a guaranteed curriculum and implementing sound instructional practices and interventions as required. Jablonksi is a strong instructional leader who spent eighteen years as a teacher across multiple grade levels and disciplines, and this depth of understanding of instruction and teaching is evident in her leadership. She has served as Region I President, State Vice President, and President of the Nebraska Association of Elementary Principals, as well as the Lincoln Elementary Principals Association Chair. Jablonski holds a B.A. in Elementary and Special Education, a Master’s in Education, and an educational administration endorsement from University of Nebraska, Lincoln.