Angie Krause

Community Elementary School
USD 445 – Coffeyville Public Schools
Coffeyville, Kansas

With over 1,000 students and 150 staff members, Community Elementary School (CES) is the largest brick and mortar school in the state of Kansas. The challenges of managing such a large institution were only magnified by the timing of Angie Krause’s entry into the principalship in August 2020, when teachers and students were just returning to school for modified in-person instruction. In addition to universal pandemic challenges, Krause encountered a fractured school culture with inconsistent and insufficient professional support in place to guide academic improvement. Building on two decades of classroom experience, Krause set out to build relationships with all school staff and establish communication channels to align expectations and identify needs building-wide. Krause maintains a consistent presence in the classroom, visiting all 52 classrooms, meeting with her three assistant principals daily, and takes a hands-on approach to PLC leadership. There, she uplifts team successes, helps identify professional development needs, and models instructional practices so that staff have what they need to to set achievable, data-informed goals. Observing the link between SEL and academic success, Krause implemented the Zones of Regulation program, which offers an accessible framework to promote emotional literacy and self-awareness in students by providing shared language and diverse options for self-regulation. Today, the CES staff describe the school as supportive, respectful, and a place where they are proud to work. Krause holds a B.S. from the University of Houston and an M.Ed. from Oklahoma Wesleyan University.