National Outstanding Assistant Principal (NOAP) Program

NAESP is committed to preparing assistant principals to step into the principal role. We honor assistant principals who make stellar contributions to their leadership team. This program promotes excellence in educational leadership and calls attention to the fundamental importance of the assistant principal.

Meet the 2024 NOAPs

This year we recognize 28 NOAPs: 21 elementary, six middle-level, and one K-8 assistant principals.

Meet the NOAPs


The class of 2023 celebrates 28 assistant principals: 20 elementary and 8 middle-level.


The class of 2022 celebrates 25 assistant principals: 19 elementary and 6 middle-level.


The class of 2021 celebrates 25 assistant principals: 19 elementary and 6 middle-level.


The class of 2020 celebrates 26 assistant principals: 20 elementary and 6 middle-level.


The class of 2019 celebrates 19 assistant principals: 15 elementary and 4 middle-level.


The class of 2018 celebrates 19 assistant principals: 17 elementary and 2 middle-level.


The class of 2017 celebrates 13 assistant principals: 12 elementary and 1 middle-level.


The class of 2016 celebrates 11 assistant principals: 10 elementary and 1 middle-level.

Selection & Criteria

Each year, NAESP recognizes a new class of National Outstanding Assistant Principals (NOAP). Public school elementary and middle-level assistant principals are nominated by peers in their state, and final selections are made by committees appointed by each of NAESP’s state affiliate offices.

Criteria established by NAESP requires that the individual:

Must be a member of NAESP at the time of nomination.

Is a practicing assistant principal with at least two years of experience in the role.

Demonstrates exceptional leadership in a particular school program.

Is respected by and sets high standards for students, colleagues, parents, and the community.

For more information, contact Nikki Sparks at