American Student Council Association

Become an ASCA member.

The American Student Council Association is intended for student councils in elementary and middle schools.
  • Student Council helps to teach skills outside of the academic curriculum such as leadership, civic responsibility, and organization and planning.
  • Student Council members can be positive role models for all students in the school.
  • All students in the school benefit from school spirit events, fundraisers, and community engagement.
  • Student Council helps share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with teacher, principals, and district administration.
  • One year of online access to the website which includes guides for starting a council, student handouts, election information, sample documents, a project database, awards, and more.
  • Discounts in the student council online store
  • The opportunity to apply to be a council of excellence
  • Ability for your council to be featured on the website and also in other NAESP publications

Continue to ASCA Member Registration

Membership is valid for one year and is $50 if your principal is a member of NAESP, or $75 if your principal is not a member.