Return to 2024 SoEs

Harrison Middle School

Harrison, Arkansas

Principal: Fred Wilson
Advisor: Maribeth O’Dell
Student Council Officers: 10


“Meet the Mayor”

All student council members traveled by bus to meet with the Mayor of Harrison, Jerry Jackson; Chief of Police, Chris Gaddy; and Fire Chief, Marc Lowery. Student council members learned about the responsibilities of operating a city. Student council members toured our new, local city government building.

“Harrison School District Clothing Closet”

Student council members traveled by bus to the school district clothing closet. Students worked with with district staff members to complete over 300 food bags. Students district-wide take home food bags on Friday to give them a few items to eat over the weekend. Members also folded and boxed-up winter clothing items to make room for spring items and organized spring clothing items on the clothing racks to make it easier to find needed items.

“Winter Dance”

Student council members hosted a winter semi-formal dance for all 7th and 8th grade students. The dance was a fundraiser for student council activities and raised $1,600.

“SEL Family Night”

Student council members wanted to encourage all students and parents/guardians to have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. They completed this objective by designing and decorating posters to display outside as students and parents/guardians approached the school by car or bus. Student council members also waved at the students as they entered the building and wished them a “Happy Thanksgiving.”