4 Tips to Promote Winter Wellness

Encouraging healthy habit practices at home—starting with strategies outlined in this edition of Report to Parents—is a proactive measure to help ensure kids maintain their health and contribute to the overall well-being of their school communities.

Topics: NAESP Partner, Family and Stakeholder Engagement

During the winter season, it becomes easier for kids to come into contact with germs that cause illnesses like cold and flu. Encouraging healthy habit practices at home is a proactive measure to help ensure kids maintain their health and contribute to the overall well-being of their school communities. This edition of Report to Parents four strategies to promote winter wellness. Share it with your school families.

How to Use

A pdf of this resource—created with your school families in mind—is available for download below in English and Spanish. It’s also available in a social media graphic in English and Spanish so you can easily share it with your school families in print, in your e-newsletter, on your website, or on social media.