Eveline E. Huh

Willow Elementary School
ABC Unified School District
Lakewood, California

When Dr. Eveline E. Huh took the helm at Willow Elementary School, the school was suffering from low staff morale, trenchant disciplinary issues, and faltering academic achievement, with scores among the lowest in the district. A natural unifier and relationship-builder, Huh immediately set out to build a foundation of trust among the staff upon which a new mission was articulated, the school-wide behavior plan was revamped, and intervention strategies were honed to target both academic and social-emotional learning goals. Attuned to the broader needs of the school’s high-poverty student body, Huh has also gone the extra mile to build strong beneficial relationships with families through programs like Willow Parent University. Thanks to her dedicated turnaround leadership, Willow Elementary has sustained gains in state assessments, decreased suspensions and absenteeism, and improved school culture, while Huh has met the chaotic transitions brought on by the pandemic with grace, flexibility, and care. Willow has been recognized as a top LA County school for closing the achievement gap for Latino/a students and has been honored as an AVID Showcase School. Huh has served ABC students and families as a teacher and administrator since 1999. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of California San Diego, a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from California State University Fullerton, and a Doctor of Education degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of La Verne. 

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