Mitchell Craft

For eight years, Mitch Craft has been principal of Sheridan Junior High, one of the highest performing middle schools in Wyoming with nearly 700 students and over 100 staff. In 2013, Sheridan was selected by Solution Tree as a PLC Model School, a recognition that validated years of work to improve student learning in all content areas. Craft is described as committed to every aspect of leading within the PLC framework and believes that student achievement at Sheridan finds its roots in excellent teaching and strong collaboration driven by the PLC process. Each year Craft is contacted by educators from around Wyoming seeking insight into Sheridan’s sustained high achievement, and he hosts regular site visits so peers can observe classrooms, attend PLC meetings, and talk with staff. He considers it an honor to be recognized statewide by fellow educators and states that the crowning moment was when a visiting teacher said, “To be honest, I came here assuming that you were teaching to the test, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.” In the fall of 2014, Sheridan became a 1:1 Chromebook school, raising the level of student engagement in the classrooms and generating greater differentiation and individualization. Craft holds a B.A. and Principal Endorsement from the University of Wyoming and a M.A. in English Literature from the University of Sussex.

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