Ron Robert

Ron Robert has served as an administrator at four different schools over eighteen years with eleven spent at North Berwick Elementary School, a small rural community school described as a place where relationships, relevance, and rigor are equally valued and actualized. Ront developed and implemented the “100 Days of Giving” campaign, inspiring classrooms, local businesses, administrative offices, and the local police department to donate over 34,000 items for the local food pantry. He emphasizes achieving academic success not by teaching to the test, but by using data adeptly, cultivating strong collaborative practices, and attending to the needs of each whole child who walks through the door each day. School Superintendent Steven Connolly states,“Under Ron’s guidance and coaching, the entire school environment places students at the center of learning.” A hallmark of Ron’s relationship building within North Berwick is the coveted “Principal’s Kickball” activity, which students earn for their development and growth inside and outside the classroom. He holds a B.A. from Holy Cross College and a master’s degree and Principal’s Certification from the University of Southern Maine, where he serves as an adjunct faculty, sharing his vast expertise with district staff. He has instructed over fifty undergraduate and graduate courses at local universities.

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