Jeryy Bond

Jerry “Brian” Bond

Hunter Hills Elementary School
Laurel County School System
Corbin, Kentucky

Brian Bond has served Jackson and Laurel County families as a teacher and an administrator for 25 years, most recently leading Hunter Hills Elementary School as principal for the last decade. There, he has led a successful cultural turnaround effort and broken the cycle of leader turnover; seven principals led the school in the 11 years prior to his tenure. His steady leadership has buoyed academic success at Hunter Hills, which now serves as a national example among large, high-poverty schools. Hunter Hills has ranked in the top 10 schools in the state based on assessment scores for multiple years, is one of the only five-star elementary schools statewide, and was named a model school by the state of Kentucky, with over 25 schools sending observation teams over the last five years. Bond’s style is generous and proactive. Recognizing a trend that many of the young boys with frequent disciplinary referrals lacked positive male role models, Bond formed the Jedi Club program, where he directly provides character education and life skills development, effectively reducing office referrals. His efforts have increased school readiness among early learners and ensured that students experiencing poverty are exposed to greater opportunity through overnight, out-of-state field trips. Bond holds an M.A. in Elementary Education with Rank I credentials from Union College and a B.A. in Elementary Education from Eastern Kentucky University.

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