Craig Crawford

Craig Crawford

Craig Crawford is President – Montana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals. Craig Crawford has been an administrator for Helena Public Schools for 10 years and has been in education for 20 years. He is currently the president of the Montana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals. A child of a lifelong educator, Craig has heard the needs of kids all his life and is devoted to helping them. He is the past–president of the Helena Kiwanis Club, volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Helena, and does high school leadership camps across the US and Canada for Kiwanis International. Additionally, he is a top-requested participant in victims impact panels for the Department of Corrections where he works with convicts to better understand the ripple effects of their crimes on their victims and their own children. He has a TedTalk on bullying, and also provides leadership training and motivational speaking through his consulting business to schools and businesses.

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