Shanna Spickard

Shanna Spickard

With 22 years in education and the last 14 in administration, Dr. Shanna Spickard been a building, district, state, and national leader. Her doctoral work centered around quality professional development and key components to help support student-centered instructional practices. Spickard builds leadership capacity in others by implementing job-embedded professional development through coaching and instructional rounds as well as extending additional learning opportunities that include both choice and voice. In addition, since 2015, Spickard has been on a mission to help others lead positively. Through mentoring, presenting, and writing, she shares the message and invites others to get on the positive energy (school) bus. Spickard is a nationally certified mentor, NAESP Leading Learning Communities (2019) committee member, Concordia University MSEL adjunct professor, NAESP/MEMSPA State Rep, MEMSPA Past President, and Milan Middle School Principal.  Spickard earned her specialist and doctorate degrees in Education Leadership, master’s degree in communication, and two bachelor’s degrees, one in education and the other in communication. She enjoys giving back to the profession by advocating for education, publishing articles and speaking on leadership topics, and mentoring aspiring and newly assigned principals.

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