Christopher Getchell

Christopher Getchell has 18 years of experience as a teacher and administrator, serving the last
seven as principal of Parkview Elementary School. Getchell is a firm believer in early literacy
intervention as essential to closing the achievement gap. Over the course of his tenure, he has
established and developed an effective RTI program that his shifted the school’s culture and
improved performance by guaranteeing daily, targeted small group instruction for all students,
regardless of achievement level or IEP status. He has also established a large outdoor classroom
to counterbalance screen time with project-based enrichment, teaching principles of sustainable
agriculture and respect for the environment. Through the program, students plant, maintain, and
harvest fruits and vegetables for use at the school’s community events. In addition to his strong
instructional leadership, Getchell has effectively built a dynamic school culture grounded in
shared language and expectations. For example, students participate in the annual creation of a
Parkview Constitution, which establishes guidelines for learning and behavior for the whole
year. Each school year is also assigned a theme, which serves as “springboard” to propel teachers
in generating novel projects and enrichment opportunities for their students. Superintendent
Andrew Keough, Ed.D. calls Getchell “a tireless advocate for meaningful change.” He holds an
M.Ed. from Cambridge College and a B.A. in Psychology and a B.S. in Elementary Education
from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

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