Return to 2024 SoEs

W.C. Petty Elementary School

Antioch, Illinois

Principal: Joanna Gerritsen
Advisors: Jennifer Jasinski, Courtney Rieb
Student Council Officers: 4


“Antioch Traveling Closet Collection and Volunteer Event”

Student Council created a Change Wars to help raise money for the Antioch Traveling Closet. They collected and counted the change, while also coming up with a prize for the class that collected the most change. In addition, they went to the Antioch Traveling Closet to help sort and pack items. We raised over $1,000 and 12 students volunteered at the site for two hours.      

“Candy Grams and Friendship Spirit Week”

Students and staff were encouraged to focus on kindness and building friendships during Spirit Week, with challenges to go along with the theme each day. Challenges included smile at five people, hold the door for someone, help a friend in need, and give five compliments. The student council sold candy grams, a message attached to a sweet treat, for 50 cents each and delivered them on Valentine’s Day. We made a profit of $411.29 to give back to our school and community.