Return to 2024 SoEs

Urbana Elementary School

Frederick, Maryland

Principal: Tracy Hilliard
Advisors: Susan Welch, Tracy Hilliard
Student Council Officers: 4


“First Family Friday- Honoring our Veterans”

We wanted to honor our veterans and collect food to increase the food at the local food bank. The officers created a flyer to advertise what was needed. A contest was created to award the winning grade level a dance party. The flyer was to sent to Mrs. Hilliard to publish in the weekly newsletter and read on the morning announcements. Each morning, staff and the PTA worked with the student council to count and sort the donations and report the totals before dismissal. We also wanted to recognize our veterans since it was November so we invited them to our school. We made cards for each veteran to serve as a memento so they know we care.    

“Scholars Lead at Urbana”

We wanted to promote scholar leadership as outlined on our School Improvement plan. The officers were made aware that they have a voice and can lead in our school. They were able to practice at our Family Friday activities and other events. Voice is part of “a sense of belonging ” at our school. We included student voice in our school improvement plan as we want our scholars to lead and be an example for others. Our officers created agendas that shared suggestions from their peers. The scholar officers were our greeters when Central Office or any other guests came to our building. The scholar leaders are an important part of our school awards assemblies by leading the pledge and other parts of the program.